Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash
Lenten Prayer Encounter
Embodying the Lenten Journey through Imaginative Prayer
Wednesdays, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, April 5, 2023
6:30 - 8 pm
In Person at St. joseph parish, seattle
Megan Kush & Maria Ochoa Vazquez, Presenters
Advance registration required. Please register by 12 pm noon the day of for any evening you would like to attend. Thank you!
About this Program
The Lenten season is a time for prayer, listening and closeness with God. Known as a “desert time,” we are invited to encounter the narratives of Jesus with gentleness, humility, curiosity, and courage. Ignatian spirituality engages our embodied selves in a way that helps to unite our imaginations, senses, memories, and desires towards spiritual wholeness. Come and cultivate your prayer experience by joining the ISC for Lenten Prayer Encounter, a series of weekly imaginative prayer experiences over the six weeks of Lent.
Each week our presenter will guide you through an “encounter,” an experience of prayer for the heart and mind, which will include time for such things as Ignatian contemplation, music, quiet reflection, journaling, and embodied practices such as artmaking, Lectio Divina, Visio Divina, and engaging Application of the Senses.
There is no requirement that you do all six encounters, although you may find that to be a helpful rhythm for Lent - join us for any, join us for all. Make this Lent meaningful, the Ignatian way.
Join us for any or all of these evenings:
March 1: Lectio Divina
March 8: Imaginative Prayer
March 15: Application of the Senses
March 22: Ignatian Contemplation
March 29: Visio Divina
April 5: Examen with Art
This program is open to anyone who desires a practical way of praying through the Lenten season utilizing Ignatian inspiration and practices. No prior experience with Ignatian spirituality is required! All are welcome. We recommend you register for sessions you plan to attend. Thank you!
This will be a donation-based program. Please donate as much or little as you are able. Thank you!
If you would like to help subsidize the cost of participation for another person, we welcome your donation. Thank you for helping us to make it possible for all persons to participate in this program!
Megan Kush currently works at Seattle University as the Campus Minister for Pastoral Care. When she was an undergraduate student, Megan was immersed in settings that engaged the intersections of faith and justice, ultimately leading her to the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and onto a path of accompanying others on their own faith journey. Her passion for ministry grew through her work with youth and young adults in diverse parish settings, as well as in her role as a hospital chaplain.
Megan is an older sister and a proud aunt. She currently loves being at, on, or in the waters of the PNW before the weather turns too cold! She also loves playing music, attempting new recipes, eating great take-out, and urban walks around Seattle. Megan completed her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Spanish at the University of San Diego and a Master of Divinity degree at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.
Maria Ochoa Vazquez leads program development for the Ignatian Spirituality Center, helping to bring alive the practices of Ignatian spirituality for seekers of all types. For the last 17 years, Maria has served in many roles focused on providing spiritual formation and leadership development in the Ignatian tradition through programs, retreats, and spiritual direction, including Assistant Director for the Magis Alumni Ministry at Seattle University, and Regional Coordinator of the Contemplative Leaders in Action (CLA) program in Seattle. Maria is a graduate of Gonzaga University with bachelors degree in Art, and holds a Masters in Transforming Spirituality from the School of Theology & Ministry at Seattle University. She is a bicultural/bilingual Mexican immigrant who is an artist and creative, gardener, wife, and mother.
Call (206) 329-4824 or email Maria Ochoa Vazquez, ISC Program Coordinator
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