Seek & Find Spiritual Direction Service
Watch Carla Orlando, ISC’s SDS Coordinator, share about the ISC Seek & Find service
“I hope more folks come to the decision to seek spiritual direction... it’s a game changer for becoming closer with God.”
Spiritual Direction is essentially companioning us in our spiritual life. Other ways of describing spiritual direction include holy listening, spiritual friendship or companionship, or sacred journeying. Ignatian Spiritual Direction helps us to discern our lives by reflecting on the interior movements of our hearts, where they come from, and where they lead to the “greater good.”
How do I find a spiritual director?
Our Spiritual Direction Seek & Find service invites you to get started:
First, complete the Seek & Find interest form
Be sure to click “submit” so we can get back to you as soon as possible.
Next, Share in a 1:1 conversation about your faith journey
Our SDS Coordinator will contact you to schedule a time.
Please note: Due to COVID-19 guidelines, we are currently conducting meetings virtually or by phone.Finally, our coordinator will help connect you to a possible director
Meet a director that is a “good fit” before going forward.
seek & find Spiritual Direction Services Interest Form
We invite you to fill out the following form - please take a few minutes to tell us about yourself!
Not sure if spiritual direction is what you need?
To learn more about Ignatian spiritual direction and the differences between mental health counseling, and life coaching here: